Voting Page for The Spring Haiku Competition
by Pentrace Readers
  Article # 301 Article Type: Competition


Time to vote for the Pentrace Spring Haiku winner. The first line (or title if there is one) is displayed next to a check box. Check the button of the one you want to vote for and press the vote button.

Vote for Spring Haiku 1 - 10
Snow's glitter melts away.
A chirping birdsong.
As the sun shines down
Old Man Winter yawns.
Frost falls in shadows,
Buds break through cold earth,
Rivers stormy froth,
Gay smiles greet the rains,
Red wine rich and cool,
Blossom buds open
Vote for Spring Haiku 11-20
Latest pen in hand
Balmy Spring morning
Parcel opening
My deceased friend's pen
Aquarium fish
Transcience in life:
My daughter loves Spring,
A shatter of black,
Bright cherry blossoms
Those tiny new leaves:
Vote for Spring Haiku 21-30
broken ground reveals
ink stained fingers passed
simple notes carried
~konpukuji haiku~
I wrote a letter
To prime the pen, you
I can't find my pen.
Smoothest paper calls
Hey, kids. Santa reads
Vote for Spring Haiku 31-40
Buds swell as drop-by-
Waking in darkness
turning the piston
snow melting, running
the colors of ink
the sound of squirrels
i trade my blue-black
A haiku contest
Spring season is here.
Spring is almost here.
Vote for Spring Haiku 41-50
Spring brings a smile to
In spring I walk with
Pentracers enjoy
Night and day the same
Penol fountain pen
Calla lilies stir
Celluloids rejoice
Filcao's Tuscan sun
Equinox arrives
Washington D.C
Vote for Spring Haiku 51-60
Writing in springtime
daffodil yellow
the skyline barrel
the new green in march
pussywillow wind
first lawn violet
~Writing Tree: Spring~
My pen thinks it's Spring.
The heat has caused my
Trees blossom outside
Vote for Spring Haiku 61-63
My pen leaves black lines
The temperature
Spring comes early here.
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