Pen Show Review

LWES London Pen Show Photos, 2012

By Glenn Craig

Posted by Glenn Craig August 21, 2014

This years 2014 LWEShow is coming in just over a month . I am busy organizing pens ,making pens and generally getting excited. Joanne and I are leaving in mid Sept., the Show is Sunday Oct.5,2014. at Bloomsbury Holiday Inn.

Here are some photos of the LWEShow from 2012, showing my table and others. The photos are in no particular order.

It was so busy neither Joanne or I had a chance to take many pictures . The last shots were of me setting up before the show started. It started to get busy as soon as the other dealers arrived. Then at 10:00 AM the doors open to the public and then let the fun and games begin. The public is comprised of a mixture of knowledgeable collectors and enthusiastic beginners and all those in between.

There are many serious collectors looking for valuable limited editions or rare vintage pens. Plus people like me, just looking for a good everyday writer or two,or three or...?! Prices can be very high to very reasonable. If you look there are lots of bargains and parts pens to be had. I do very well with my bag lots.

I love seeing a room full of British and European pens! Of course the American Australian and Canadian made vintage pens abound in great numbers also. If you are near by you don't want to miss this annual show which is held the first Sunday in October every year.

Most people come from all over Britain, Europe, USA. and South America and Asia. I appear to be the lone Canuck dealer; but there are a few fellow Canadians in the public crowd.

This show is lots of fun and very busy!

I hope many Pentracers can attend this years show Sunday Oct.5, 2014. We will take some photos at the show and post them on Pentrace later in the day if our local Pub still has WiFi, our flat alas does not. Eight weeks with no WiFi dear oh dear what will we do? Same as every time ...enjoy the sights!

Cheers, Glenn

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Gary and Myrna Lehrer

Gary and Myrna Lehrer



Setting up my table


Ready to go!

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